BodyTalk WholeCare System

Feeling tired, stressed and unwell?

You’re not alone! Countless people are struggling with energy imbalances that can lead to physical, mental and emotional issues such as fatigue, insomnia, headaches, anxiety and depression.

Take your health and wellbeing back into your own hands and experience the power of BodyTalk energy healing!

A revolution in health care. 

Your body is designed to heal itself. When all the parts and systems of the body communicate with each other, healing happens naturally. However, stress can cause communication breakdowns, resulting in discomfort and disease. BodyTalk identifies those breakdowns and uses a light tapping technique to restore communication, helping the body to heal itself. 

Why BodyTalk?

 We all experience stress, be it in the mind, body, or spirit. In fact, it's the number one cause of disease in the world because it causes the natural communications lines in the body to breakdown. When the body forgets how to communicate with itself, injury and illness occur.

Benefits of BodyTalk


  • BodyTalk is a holistic modality that focuses on restoring balance through energy balancing techniques. This approach helps people identify and address the underlying causes of their physical, mental, and emotional challenges. BodyTalk stands out from other modalities due to its simple yet effective approach to holism. Unlike other treatments, it doesn’t require anything such as fasting or certain lifestyle changes, and isn’t restricted by traditional diagnoses. It’s also a relatively short process, so you can get the desired results more quickly. Furthermore, BodyTalk practitioners believe that the body is constantly healing and improving, so you can expect to gain a more sustainable and lasting treatment.

  • Yes, BodyTalk has been found to be an effective form of therapy for many different physical, mental and emotional conditions.

  • Yes, it is possible to receive a BodyTalk session for someone else. However, it is important to note that receiving a BodyTalk session for another person requires their informed consent. BodyTalk practitioners need to ensure that the person in question is aware of the treatment before any session is given.

  • Yes. A BodyTalk session can be provided to children as young as six months old, although it's recommended that the care-giver and the child be present during the session. Before the session, it is important to discuss the process and explain to the child what is going to happen and any possible sensations that may occur during the session.

  • Yes, animals can receive a BodyTalk session. The session is tailored to their individual needs, just like with humans. Animal BodyTalk is often used to reduce animals’ stress levels and to improve their overall wellbeing.

  • Yes, a plant can receive a BodyTalk session. Through BodyTalk, practitioners assess the energy system of the plant, making them more aware of its needs. They may then set intentions and 'tune in' to any blockages in the energy system by sending healing energy. Results may vary depending on the plant and the practitioner, but some people have reported an increase in vitality and growth in their plants after receiving a BodyTalk session.

  • 1. Make a list of health issues, physical and emotional, that you would like to address during the session.

    2. Find comfortable clothing for the session.

    3. Drink plenty of water before and after the body talk session.

    4. Allow yourself plenty of time to relax before the session and after.

    5. Sleep the night before and get enough rest.

    6. Avoid eating a big meal immediately before the session.

    7. Have an open mind and be prepared to receive the healing energies that will be released during the session.

  • Individuals can practice self-care following a BodyTalk session, such as getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, and maintaining a healthy diet. Additionally, it is important to integrate the new insights and learnings gained in the BodyTalk session into daily life. This could include simple techniques such as grounding exercises, conscious breathing, and conscious self-talk.

  • It depends on the individual. Some people might require several sessions to help them resolve an issue, while others may require only one session. It is best to discuss this with the BodyTalk practitioner during the initial consultation.

  • This depends on the individual and the type of condition being treated. It is recommended to have at least three sessions to begin to observe results.

  • BodyTalk sessions are designed to help the individual heal and restore balance in various areas of their life, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Each session is like a layer of the onion and will help to address different parts of the problem they are facing. For optimal results, the individual should receive at least three BodyTalk sessions, as it allows them to understand the root cause and gain a more comprehensive picture of their overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, more extensive healing can be achieved with a minimum of three sessions as each one builds on the other and helps to tackle the issue from different angles.

  • The frequency of BodyTalk sessions can vary from person to person. Depending on the person’s general health, lifestyle factors and response to the treatment, some people may benefit from more frequent BodyTalk sessions on a weekly or biweekly basis, while others may prefer to have sessions of a monthly basis. A trained BodyTalk practitioner can discuss treatment plans and frequency of sessions with the patient in order to determine the most appropriate schedule.

  • A distant BodyTalk session works on a quantum level by tapping into the energetic field of the client. On this level, the practitioner is able to access the entire energetic field of the client, not just any physical or emotional symptoms their body may be exhibiting. By tapping into this field, the practitioner is better able to identify the root cause of any imbalances and access the unique healing potential necessary to bring about balance and wellbeing. Once the practitioner has identified the root issues, they are able to send healing frequencies and energy to the client on a quantum level to achieve the desired outcome.

How does BodyTalk work?

In a BodyTalk session, a practitioner asks questions of the client's body to find out what area is a priority to address. A light tapping technique is used to help the brain balance and restore communication within the body.

Advanced Protocol and Procedures

BodyTalk practitioners follow advanced protocols and procedures to ensure that they are providing high-quality care to their clients. Here is a general overview of how a BodyTalk practitioner might follow advanced protocols and procedures.

It is important to note that BodyTalk is a holistic approach to health and wellness, and practitioners are trained to consider the whole person (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) when developing a treatment plan.

  • The practitioner will begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the client's health, including taking a medical history and discussing the client's current health concerns.

  • Using a system called "muscle checking," the practitioner will identify any imbalances or dysfunctions within the client's body.

  • Based on the assessment and identification of imbalances, the practitioner will formulate a treatment plan that includes specific BodyTalk techniques and protocols.

  • The practitioner will then use a variety of techniques, such as tapping on the client's head, chest, and abdomen (if done in person), to address the identified imbalances and promote healing.

  • The practitioner may recommend follow-up care, such as additional BodyTalk sessions or other supportive therapies, to help the client achieve optimal health and well-being.

BodyTalk is safe, effective, and non-invasive 

Professionals in all areas of health care are finding that virtually every case response positively to body talk sessions. BodyTalk can be used on its own or can complement other forms of healthcare, alternative or conventional.

For more information on the BodyTalk System, visit the International BodyTalk Association website

Where does the session take place?

In-Person Sessions

Currently Unavailable

Distance Sessions

Receive a remote session via Zoom in the comfort of your own home.

Your healing anywhere - anytime!

 Conditions that typically improve with BodyTalk

  • BodyTalk is a form of energy healing that can help reduce the symptoms of allergies by addressing the underlying cause. It works by realigning the body to its natural state of balance and healing, enabling the body to become more responsive to allergens. Through identifying and addressing the underlying causes of allergies, BodyTalk can help release any emotional, physical, and energetic blockages, as well as strengthen your nervous and immune system. This will allow your body to respond more efficiently and effectively to allergens, thus reducing the symptoms of allergies.

  • BodyTalk has been shown to improve auto-immune conditions by encouraging the body to recognize and communicate with its own cells, tissues and organs, which helps to reset the immune system. BodyTalk has been used for issues such as allergies, asthma, inflammatory conditions, and neurological issues associated with auto-immune conditions. Additionally, BodyTalk can help to reduce stress, a major factor in auto-immune conditions. It can also be used to help identify the root cause of a condition, as well as target specific areas in the body that are affected by the condition. This helps the body to come back into balance.

  • BodyTalk can help with emotional challenges through the use of special techniques to connect the brain and body for faster healing of negative emotion. The practitioner assesses the body’s energetic pathways and helps the body to realign itself with its natural frequencies for emotional balance, allowing for a clearer understanding of the underlying emotions. The practitioner may use a variety of tools including crystals, affirmations, sound healing, meditation and other gentle interventions to help the body and mind come into harmony and harmony with itself, allowing for emotional healing and balance.

  • BodyTalk is a holistic therapy that can help to address food intolerances by looking at the underlying emotional and physical causes. By addressing the stress responses in the body, which can be exacerbated by food intolerances, BodyTalk aims to reduce the symptoms of these intolerances. Additionally, when using BodyTalk, practitioners are able to locate and remove subconscious blocks that may be at the root of the intolerance. Lastly, BodyTalk can be used to strengthen various mental and physical systems, improving the body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients, which can help individuals to better tolerate the food they eat.

  • BodyTalk helps to restore balance in the body and mind, which can lead to improved energy levels. Through techniques such as focusing on the primary energy centers in the body and mindful relaxation, BodyTalk can open up pathways for energy to move freely throughout the body, promoting improved vitality and energy levels. It can also help to address physical and emotional blockages that are preventing the body from maintaining an optimal level of energy.

  • BodyTalk has had positive results when it comes to treating menstrual issues. BodyTalk works on a holistic level to restore balance, reduce stress and improve communication between the mind and body. It helps to identify the underlying issues that contribute to menstrual issues and then provides an individualized healing plan. Additionally, BodyTalk can enable the body to restore its natural balance, helping to reduce inflammation, regulate hormones and restore a healthy menstrual cycle. By addressing the underlying issues, BodyTalk can help treat menstrual issues such as pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), irregular cycles, heavy bleeding and infertility.

  • BodyTalk has been found to be beneficial in helping with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and stress. It works by helping the individual to relax and access their inner wisdom. By tapping into their own subconscious, they are able to receive messages and insights which can help them to better address their mental health challenges. BodyTalk also helps to foster self-awareness and self-understanding, allowing the client to better process and resolve their issues. Additionally, working with a trained BodyTalk practitioner can provide a safe and supportive environment to allow the client to explore and understand the root causes of their mental health difficulties.

  • BodyTalk can be very effective in helping to process and heal traumatic experiences. BodyTalk works by tapping into the body's own innate healing mechanisms, restoring internal balance and releasing physical, mental, and/or emotional blockages that could be preventing the individual from processing the trauma and overcoming it. During a session, the practitioner may use exercises such as dialogue, meditation, guided imagery, and/or deep breathing, along with energy movements, to help release the stored trauma and open up new pathways to the individual's true healing potential. Once these energetic blockages are removed, it enables the body to heal on a much deeper level and allows the individual to process and release the trauma in a safe, healthy, and supportive environment.

  • BodyTalk is an energy medicine modality that works on restoring balance and harmony within the body-mind-emotion complex. By connecting with the body's innate wisdom, it can identify areas of imbalance, resulting in improved sleep. It helps access and create balance within the body's energy systems, bringing the body back into a state of health and balance. This can help address the root issues of sleep problems and provide relief from insomnia, snoring, and difficulty sleeping. Additionally, BodyTalk's use of gentle touch and specific talking techniques can help to reduce stress and manage sleep-related anxieties.

  • BodyTalk is a holistic system of healing that can help balance and harmonize the body’s energy systems (such as organ function and the hormonal and nervous systems) to reduce stress and improve overall health. By assessing and correcting imbalances in the various body systems, BodyTalk helps to alleviate stress in the body and mind, resulting in an improved sense of wellbeing. Through techniques such as muscle testing and therapeutic dialogue, BodyTalk can help to identify the underlying psychological, emotional and physical causes of stress, and correct the imbalances that are contributing to it. By doing so, the healing process can be enhanced and the effects of stress and its physical symptoms reduced.

Discovery Call

Are you interested in trying BodyTalk but have some questions about how it works? Great news - I've got you covered. The discovery call is the perfect opportunity for us to chat and get to know each other a bit. You can tell me all about your health goals and any current health issues you're dealing with, and I'll fill you in on how BodyTalk can help. Think of it as a chance for us to see if we're a good fit for working together. Don't worry, this call is super informal. Looking forward to chatting with you soon!

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