Upcoming Events

Full Moon Harvest Ceremony

Full Moon Harvest Ceremony

This September, we gather under the luminous glow of the Full Harvest Moon to reflect on the bounty we’ve cultivated within and around us. Like the farmers who store their grains and gardeners who can their harvest, this is a time for us to celebrate what we have nurtured, the growth we’ve experienced, and the fruits of our efforts.

Let us come together in sacred sisterhood to honor this time of transition from summer’s warmth to autumn’s embrace, preparing ourselves for the coming months of introspection and quiet.

What to Expect:

  • Cacao Ceremony: A sacred heart-opening ritual to celebrate abundance and give gratitude for life’s blessings.

  • Harvest Reflection: A guided meditation to connect with what we’ve nurtured and what we are ready to let go of as the seasons shift.

  • Releasing Ritual: Under the light of the moon, we’ll perform a collective ritual to release old patterns, emotions, and energies that no longer serve us.

  • Sound Bath & Light Language Activation: Allow the vibrations of sound and light to help integrate and align your being with the energy of the season.

  • Sharing Circle: A time for us to share insights, gratitude, and blessings with one another, strengthening our connection as a collective.

What to Bring:

  • A small offering from your personal “harvest” (a symbol of abundance: a fruit, flower, or something meaningful).

  • A journal and pen for reflection and intention-setting.

  • A blanket, yoga mat, or cushion to sit comfortably.

  • Comfortable, warm clothing to honor the seasonal shift.

As we celebrate the bounty of the Earth, we also prepare for the stillness of winter. Together, we will honor the cyclical dance of nature and nurture our spirits for the road ahead.

With love and moonlight,


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Feel Free To Be Me in 2023!

Feel Free To Be Me in 2023!

We are excited to invite you to our new complimentary "Free to Be Me in 2023" event series for spiritually-minded women, which will begin on January 21st at 10 am PST on Zoom. This monthly gathering is designed to create a safe and welcoming space where we can connect with like-minded women, tap into the collective energies, and explore various spiritual practices and teachings.

At our events, we offer a variety of activities and practices to nourish the body and soul, including energy healing, channeled soul messages, and sensuality practices. We also incorporate techniques to help regulate the nervous system and cultivate a sense of felt safety and self-empowerment.

Our goal is to create a supportive community where we can all be our authentic selves and grow together on our life journeys. We hope you can join us and discover the many benefits of these powerful and transformative practices.


Anya Searle,

Energy Medicine Practitioner and Rose Priestess

Tammy Mack,

Quantum Alignment Practitioner and Empowerment Mentor

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The Art of Consent 4

The Art of Consent 4

The Art of Consent is a four-week online and interactive workshop. We will be meeting on Zoom once a week for two and a half hours from 10 am to 12 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Topics: Giving and Receiving, Choosing vs Doing, Taking Responsibility for Your Choices

Important: Must enroll in The Art of Consent by February 19th

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The Art of Consent 3

The Art of Consent 3

The Art of Consent is a four-week online and interactive workshop. We will be meeting on Zoom once a week for two and a half hours from 10 am to 12 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Topics: What is your Domain? Wanting and Willing, Healthy Agreements

Important: Must enroll in The Art of Consent by February 19th

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The Art of Consent 2

The Art of Consent 2

The Art of Consent is a four-week online and interactive workshop. We will be meeting on Zoom once a week for two and a half hours from 10 am to 12:30 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Topics: Increasing Capacity to Feel Pleasure, Direct or Indirect Route to Pleasure

Important: Must enroll in The Art of Consent by February 19th

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The Art of Consent 1

The Art of Consent 1

The Art of Consent is a four-week online and interactive workshop. We will be meeting on Zoom once a week for two and a half hours from 10 am to 12:30 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Topics: Polyvagal Theory, Self-Regulation, Felt Sense of Safety, Yes? or No?

Important: Must enroll in The Art of Consent by February 19th

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Radiant Goddess Rising

Radiant Goddess Rising

This virtual workshop is channeled and intuitively designed every month to assist you on your journey to reawaken the Radiant Goddess within and embody the Divine Feminine Essence. Radiant Goddess Rising sacred space is devoted to provide deep soul nourishment, inspiration, goddess activation, and healing so you can fully step into your sovereignty, purpose, and pleasure.

We meet on Zoom for 75 minutes once a month. All circles are recorded and will be available to you for as long as internet exists.

Radiant Goddess Rising Members Only

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Quantum Healing Circle

Quantum Healing Circle

This virtual workshop is designed to introduce you to Quantum Healing. In this workshop you will learn various ways to improve your health, empower yourself with self healing tools that you can use daily as part of your wellness program and self-care routine, and will receive a group healing session. 

We meet on Zoom for 75 minutes once a month. All sessions are recorded and will be available to you for as long as internet exists.

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Radiant Goddess Sacred Circle

Radiant Goddess Sacred Circle

Radiant Goddess Sacred Circle is a virtual community of like-minded women who come together to re-awaken a Radiant Goddess within and embody their Divine Feminine Essence.

Theme: Pink Rose Alchemy, Unconditional Love, Feminine Essence, Spiritual Gifts, Mother Mary

Hi loves, I’ve been tuning into current energies and working with ascended masters to feel what we currently need as a collective of amazing goddesses to nurture and empower our soul, body, and mind and have so much juicy energy to share with you. I am keeping the description short because I was guided by my Higher Self to stop planning so much for my events and just show up knowing that perfect energy transmission and activations will come through and every one will have a “perfect” experience for them. So, I am trusting the process!

Nevertheless, there are few things I will share for you to prepare for the event.

Please sign in 5 min early as we will start right on time.

What to bring: Pink rose, glass of pure water, Himalayan salt (for internal use), pink quartz crystal, white candle, sage, journal, and your beautiful self.

I am looking forward to see you there!


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