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Full Moon Harvest Ceremony

This September, we gather under the luminous glow of the Full Harvest Moon to reflect on the bounty we’ve cultivated within and around us. Like the farmers who store their grains and gardeners who can their harvest, this is a time for us to celebrate what we have nurtured, the growth we’ve experienced, and the fruits of our efforts.

Let us come together in sacred sisterhood to honor this time of transition from summer’s warmth to autumn’s embrace, preparing ourselves for the coming months of introspection and quiet.

What to Expect:

  • Cacao Ceremony: A sacred heart-opening ritual to celebrate abundance and give gratitude for life’s blessings.

  • Harvest Reflection: A guided meditation to connect with what we’ve nurtured and what we are ready to let go of as the seasons shift.

  • Releasing Ritual: Under the light of the moon, we’ll perform a collective ritual to release old patterns, emotions, and energies that no longer serve us.

  • Sound Bath & Light Language Activation: Allow the vibrations of sound and light to help integrate and align your being with the energy of the season.

  • Sharing Circle: A time for us to share insights, gratitude, and blessings with one another, strengthening our connection as a collective.

What to Bring:

  • A small offering from your personal “harvest” (a symbol of abundance: a fruit, flower, or something meaningful).

  • A journal and pen for reflection and intention-setting.

  • A blanket, yoga mat, or cushion to sit comfortably.

  • Comfortable, warm clothing to honor the seasonal shift.

As we celebrate the bounty of the Earth, we also prepare for the stillness of winter. Together, we will honor the cyclical dance of nature and nurture our spirits for the road ahead.

With love and moonlight,


April 22

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